Saturday, October 06, 2007


12 Hours after the madness officially started today, Underground is over. My feet are killing me, and my head is pounding, but it was worth it! For our first time actually running everything ourselves, it went well. We had roughly 91 kids in attendance.
This and the 30 Hour Famine are too large events our youth group hosts. I’ve learned that the bigger the potential an event has for reaching kids for Christ, the more things go wrong in the last few moments before (and after) it all starts.
Between rain, then muggy hot weather, volunteers canceling- due to emergencies or just forgetfulness—an influx of more teens than we expected to show, lost groups once we were supposed to start and otherwise just general confusion, it was potentially scary.
But with a lot of prayer and hard work, everything worked out. No one was injured (despite half and hour of teens being in the road instead of the field they were supposed to be!) or lost. All in all, a good night.
(That's as good as this thought is going to get, because its time for me to recharge.. more to do tomorrow!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.