Saturday, October 14, 2006

The varying stages of loserdom

What, exactly, makes a person a "loser?"

Not in terms of losing contests such as sporting events, though it not being my strong suit, that would also be the case, but more of social outcast- a misfit, if you will.

Certainly, some form of anti-socialness is preferred, though not required. Some have this tendency through no desire of their own, but the simple fact that they are to shy to be comfortable around others. Some have transformed this tendency into an abrasive attitude, making others belive they choose their anit-socialness, when in actuality it has been forced upon them. Others still use an abrasive attitude to prevent people from even wanting to get close to them. The reasons why are complicated and they probably don't even make sense to the person doing it, but nevertheless, it's fact.

(Don't you love it when someone tries to make their nonessential ramblings sound important??)

Thanks to the lovely weather we had this past weekend, my roommate and I found ourselves home at the same time- no small feat, I assure you.

Due to my previous comments about how my life "sucks," we've adopted the practice of commenting on my lack of social life- or the apparent uninterest in one, since I can barely wrap my head around the commitments that I have between work and school right now.

We've decided that my tendencies to listen to swing and jazz music, accompanied by my love of 80's television shows, puts me in direct running of being considered a loser.

This morning I jumped to the front of the line when I revealed my participation in's word of the day email chain.

I'm sure as the days pass, now that we are looking for them, more of my preferences will be brought under the microscope and examined.


Word of the Day: Insurrection
An act or instance of rebellion, rising against civil authority or an established government.

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